DIY anthro-inspired linen spray

every day after i make our bed, i spritz our sheets with this anthro-inspired linen spray that i make! it smells super similar to the anthropologie volcano scent, but with all clean ingredients ✨

i’ve been making this super simple diy spray for years, & it never gets old. even though i call it a linen spray, i spray it on everythingggg - linens, couch cushions, rugs, clothes, etc. i frequently spritz it on myself as perfume for the day!


- glass spray bottle (mine is 8oz)

- filtered water

- witch hazel

- grapefruit / idaho blue spruce / bergamot / patchouli essential oils


1 / fill glass spray bottle 3/4 of the way with filtered water

2 / add 20 drops of each: grapefruit, idaho blue spruce, bergamot & 5 drops patchouli essential oil to bottle

3 / fill to top with witch hazel (this helps the oils + water mix better & keeps the sprayer from getting clogged. you can use good ole vodka as a substitute!)

4 / put cap back on & gently shake to mix it all together

5 / spray on everything - linens, couch cushions, rugs & even your clothes!


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