my monthly faves: january edition

happy new year! as always, it’s the end of january & i am already blinking at the year like “wait, a whole month is over already?!” i took the month off insta, & it was soooo refreshing. here’s a few things i loved during my month away!

(had this blog sitting in my drafts since the end of january but february has been my ultimate flop month 😜 basically we’ve been sick the ~whole~ month & i’m a solid month behind on my life lolol)

1 / oura ring

i’ve been an apple watch girl for the last few years, but i recently got an oura ring & i’m never going back. i love how minimal it is, & how much it does! it tracks my sleep, activity, temperature, & more with a crazy amount of accuracy. i didn’t love the EMF exposure from my apple watch which is the main reason i switched to the ring. the ring is consistently tracking your stats however it only transmits data to your phone when you open the app (whereas the apple watch is constantly “on”). all in all, i 100% recommend this ring if you are into health tracking!

2 / green smoothies

i'm at the point in pregnancy (29 weeks) where protein is extra important, so i've been trying to hit 100g a day! 100 grams is HARD for me to hit!!! kinda impossible if i don't have a smoothie with some protein powder daily, so green smoothies in the morning have been so helpful (& delish). i don’t usually follow a recipe, but my fave current combo is: coconut milk, mango, frozen banana, spinach, & collagen protein! we have this vitamix & LOVEEE it.

3 / classpass free trial

though i love our home gym, sometimes a gal just needs to get out of the house & workout with an instructor. so i just signed up for classpass, & so far i am loving it. if you don’t know how classpass works - you buy credits for your account, & then you can use those credits to take a workout class at one of a tonnn of different studios & gyms across your city. i’ve done yoga & barre so far, & am exciting to try some hiit & weights classes soon :)

4 / family movie nights

foster is at the point where she will sit to watch an entire movie so family movie nights are truly my favorite thing right now! we pop some popcorn, add m&ms (trader joe’s has dye-free ones!), & then kyle, fostie & i curl up on the couch as a fam. peter rabbit & peter rabbit 2 have been recent choices. they are cuteee.

5 / milky white nail powder

okay snag this nail powder ASAP. i love a good dip manicure & i’m super picky about my nail color. this is the perfect milky white color! i just bring it to the nail salon when i get my nails done every 2-3 weeks. i get the same color & shape every time because i’m boring like that.

6 / free people kimono

this free people hooded kimono is so cozy & perfect for winter! i’ve been loving wearing it around the house, out running errands, & whenever i need another layer but not one that’s super heavy. it’s PERFECT for pregnancy but i’ll totes wear it when i’m not pregnant too.


i recently made this homemade lasagna & my mouth is watering just thinking about it. it was a true labor of love but worth every minute of the prep. super good as leftovers too!

8 / lanolips

this lip balm saved my insanely chapped lips. i’m a lip balm junkie, & NONE of mine were helping lately. i bought this on a whim at ulta & immediately ordered 3 more on amazon. it’s magic!

9 / yoga mat & yoga mat bag

*goes to yoga once, buys yoga mat & bag* the first class i went to with my classpass trial was yoga sculpt, & i forgot how amazing it is! so i snagged this mat & bag, & i cannot wait to use them more.

10 / comfy lounge pants

as always, i am dedicated to testing allll the comfy clothes from our fave brands, & reporting back to you guys about which ones are worth your money - & i’ve found another winner! these free people cotton lounge pants are IT. roomy, cozy, breathable, & the waistband is perf for pregnancy, if you need to know that ;) size down once or even twice because they run veryyyy big!

in case you missed it, i make a highlight for each month’s links on insta - here’s the january links one! (it’s smaller since i spent most of the month off insta, but there’s still good stuff in there!) see ya next month for the next round of my monthly faves

roundupsAbigail GreenComment