why + how to take a detox bath

i did my first detox bath a month ago & now i am allll about them! i feel like "detox" is a buzz word being thrown around like crazy so i decided to try a detox bath out & see for myself if it actually worked. i was t h o r o u g h l y surprised guys! i felt sooo exhausted afterwards (in a good way) because i could feel that my body had been working hard to sweat out the toxins. not to mention, my skin was THE softest it's ever been in my life 😭⠀



so what are toxins?⠀
toxins are poisonous substances that negatively affect our health. we get exposed to to toxins on a daily basis, from sources like pollution, processed foods, & pesticides. & when we don’t release these toxins, it’s reflected in our health & the way we feel throughout the day. because our skin is a highly porous membrane...the ingredients in a detox bath trigger a process called reverse osmosis which pulls the bad stuff out. ⠀
-  1 cup epsom salt (natural exfoliant and anti-inflammatory. high in magnesium which regulates over 300 enzymes in our body. de-stresses through relaxing muscles)⠀
- 1/2 cup bentonite clay (smoothes skin, allows cells to get more oxygen, high in calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron & potassium)⠀
- 5 drops lavender + 5 drops stress-away (for added relaxation!)⠀
- add all the ingredients to veryyy hot water & sit for 40-60 min. first 20 minutes 👉🏼 bad stuff is being kicked out! second 20 minutes 👉🏼 your body absorbs the good stuff!⠀
*pro tip: drink a lot of water before & be sure to detox bath right before bedtime because you will want to crash afterwards! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
yay for stronger bodies & softer skin 🙌🏼