the best iced vanilla latte recipe

i love a fancy coffee drink as much as anyone, but there’s just somethin’ about the classics & my everyday iced vanilla latte is just that…a CLASSIC. slightly sweet, super creamy, & the perfect amount of vanilla flavor. t’s v simple…only 4 ingredients.

hot take: for the perfect creamy latte, be sure to use whole milk - or oatly, if you’re dairy free! #saynotoalmondmilkincoffee


  • mix together 1/2 tablespoon each of maple syrup & vanilla bean paste in a small cup

  • pull 2 shots of espresso over the maple & vanilla mix

  • pour your milk over ice, then pour in the shots & enjoyyyyy!

if you’re a visual person, watch my reel tutorial here!

our espresso machine is a breville in the color “sea salt” & it’s the best splurge item i’ve ever purchased!