20 fun christmas traditions to try


since i was a little girl, i dreamt about the christmas traditions my future family would have one day. there’s something so steadying about yearly rhythms. i feel like the consistency is good (& rejuvenating) for our souls! & it makes the christmas season feel so magical.


here are the Green Fam christmas traditions:

  1. cut down our christmas tree right after thanksgiving // in Colorado you just pay $20 for a permit & then get to go into the forest & pick out the one you want! we usually get coffee & pastries beforehand, to snack on during the drive.

  2. scatter simple greenery + garland around the house! i usually make citrus garland with friends. & then take cuttings of the tree & place them in every room of the house. this year i also strung it along our bed frame! feels so, so cozy.

  3. make shrimp + potato chowder on christmas eve. this one’s a recipe from kyle’s family & it’s the most delicious, warming soup. we legit ONLY make it once a year on 12/24! keeps it special.

  4. christmas music always playing. always. kyle usually takes care of this one

  5. last but DEF not least…we bring our bed out to the living room right next to the tree & watch endless amounts of christmas movies. i usually make a list & we work through them! it’s the best.

if you follow me on instagram, you’ve probs heard me rave about our new Nectar bed. i’m obsessed with it. we both are.

a) it’s a king. enough said. this means i get to snuggle with my husbands & 2 dogs without falling off hahah!

b) it’s a cloud. like an actual cloud. so fluffy (but not too fluffy). the past couple weeks have been the BEST sleep of our life. we both move a lot in our sleep but the memory foam makes it so that we can’t feel each other’s tossing & turning!

c) it arrived at our doorstep & was outrageously easy to set up.

nectar does a 365 night trial! soooo—low pressure purchase. you get the chance to return it if you don’t absolutely love it (but you will!) right now they’re having an amazing Holiday Sale! $125 off any mattress, plus 2 free pillows! & those pillows are a dreaaaam too! click here to get your own mattress & majorly up your sleep game! i’m already so excited to swap out all the other mattresses in our house!


we wanted to add a few more traditions to our list this year so i polled you guys on Instagram asking for your family’s favorites. here are some of the ones i loved most. you guys have the best ideas!

+ collect mistletoe

+ christmas eve bonfire

+ make homemade soup as a fam

+ compete in an ugly gingerbread competition

+ wear matching PJs to bed on christmas eve

+ write cards to the elderly

+ check the santa tracker (um, so fun!)

+ receive a book on christmas eve & spend the night reading it in bed

+ christmas day breakfast

+ put mattress in front of fire place on christmas eve & sleep by the fire

+ give four gifts : a want, a need, something to wear & something to read

+ make a birthday cake for jesus & sing to him (so fun & sweet!)

+ buy or make a new ornament every year & write the date on it

+ chinese takeout on christmas eve (i’m here for this!)

+ drive around to look at christmas lights with coffee or hot chocolate or tea

+ read the christmas story together on christmas morning

+ write a letter to yourself & put it in stocking to read the next year

+ make homemade cinnamon rolls on christmas eve & eat them christmas morning

+ support a local ballet & see the nut cracker

okay friends - i hope you feel inspired! if you try any of these out, tag me because i would love love love to see! this post was graciously sponsored by Nectar!

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