⋒ What are essential oils?
Essential oils are a highly concentrated version of the natural oils in plants.
They are obtained by a distilling process that involves every part of the plant, including roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and bark, resulting in an oil containing the fragrance and healing properties of the plant. You can think of the oil as a plant's immune system; it is the life-blood of the plant!
Essential oils can provide support to every system of our bodies, including hormones, nervous system, and metabolism. It only takes 2 minutes for oil molecules to hit the bloodstream, and only 20 minutes to affect every cell in your body!
⋒ What do we use oils for? For just about everything!! Whether you are looking for oils to help you sleep, for natural immune system support, for energy, for focus, for relaxation, for your kids, for natural alternatives to cleaning products, the list is endless, there is an oil for that!! And you will learn along the way, there aren’t hard set rules, but part of joining our oils team is that you get access to the most amazing resources & our private facebook community.
⋒ Why Young Living? YL has an unmatched Seed to Seal process to guarantee the purity & potency of every oil. Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in house for therapeutic viability & they are so confident in their products that you can actually visit the farms & participate in the harvest/distillation process.
⋒ How do we use oils? You can diffuse them (you get a diffuser in your starter kit!) which is great for making your house smell great, helping your babies or kids relax at night for bed, getting rid of unwanted odors in the house & more, you can apply topically (some require a carrier oil like coconut oil, you’ll learn all about that later!), you can make rollerball combos, creams, sprays, and just about anything!!
⋒ How will I learn how to use my kit? You’ll get plenty of reading material with your kit, but as mentioned above, you’ll get access to our exclusive facebook community full of amazing resources like how to use each oil in your kit, which oils to avoid around kids or while pregnant/nursing, and all of the dilution ratios for individual oils. We have classes, books, live facebook hangouts & search functionality that will help you navigate through any questions you might have.
⋒ What should I get? A premium starter kit, which comes with 12 of the most commonly used oils + your diffuser (I recommend the Desert Mist or the Aria to start out), is the best value & provides you with everything you need to get started. You’ll get over $300 worth of product for only $165.
⋒ Do you have to order more oils monthly or sell them? Nope! Your kit can be a one time purchase, but along with it comes a wholesale membership, which just means that should you decide to purchase oils in the future, you would get a 24% discount!
You will also get a personal referral link should you ever decide that you want to share them, but neither is required. As a wholesale member, you will never ever be pressured to sell or share about your oils. You can simply enjoy our oily community--facebook group, classes etc., and get your wholesale discount on all Young Living products.
However, if you ARE ever interested in starting your own business to sell Young Living products, our team will set you up for success with plenty of resources! We have a mentorship & tons of training videos to help you!
⋒ Are there any yearly fees?
The Young Living wholesale membership is included FREE with the purchase of a premium starter kit. Once you are a wholesale member, you receive 24% off all purchases of Young Living products! There is no monthly fee to maintain membership, and no renewal fee. The only condition of maintaining membership is that you order at least 50pv (approx $50) of product per year, otherwise your membership would go on hold due to inactivity, and you would have to contact Young Living to reinstate it (but there would still be no renewal fee).
⋒ What’s the difference between Doterra & Young Living?
Both companies make very high quality essential oils. Young Living however, has been in business longer (YL founded in 1993, and DoTerra in 2008), which not only means that Young Living has a better established track record of quality, but they also offer a much broader range of products. Additionally, only Young Living is committed to quality and control from "seed to seal." For a great article comparing the two companies, check out this comparison.
⋒ I’ve heard you talk a lot about rollers - - what’s the deal with them?
Rollers are a great way to apply oils topically. Don't be intimidated, it's fun and easy to make your own rollers of all your favorite oil blends! I have quite a few highlights on this very topic!
⋒ How & why do you use a diffuser?
Diffusers are a super easy way to use oils aromatically for therapeutic use, and to make your house smell great! It’s one of the best ways to get oils around/in your body! I have a diffuser in every room of our house! Check out this post on how to pick out a blend.